Friday, 1 November 2019


Have rows and stressful conversations at noon to avoid heart attacks and sleepless nights, biologist says

Couples should have arguments at midday and bosses should resist sacking employees until lunchtime, because stressful situations should be avoided first thing and later in the day, a circadian rhythm expert has suggested.
Dr Greg Porter, a chronobiologist expert who has worked with the US Navy in optimising performance, and a former researcher at the University of Leeds, said it was important to delay stress until later in the day because heart attacks are more likely first thing.
He also recommends resisting exercise for an hour after waking up for the same reasons and advises keeping strength building to the afternoon when systems are operating most efficiently and the body is warmer. 
Likewise, stressful events later in the day interfere with sleep and should also be avoided.
 weight lifter_5 WOMAN

Speaking at the Biohacker Summit in Helsinki, Dr Porter said: “I think makes sense to schedule stressful events during the middle of biological day. Obviously you can’t always influence when these are going to occur, but if you can then that’s probably optimum. 
“If you leave them till late at night that will probably interfere with your sleep, and too early in the morning, then the cardiovascular system is the most responsive and reactive to stress at this time of day and that reactivity is one of the reasons that events such as heart attacks tend to cluster in the morning, and this is amplified by cognitive load.
“This is one reason to avoid very strenuous exercise around the time of waking each day.”
Dr Potter said it was also important to avoid exercise too earlybecause the spine lengthens in the night, making it more likely that discs will slip.
Strength and power workouts should be carried out in the afternoon when the core body temperature is higher, spinal fluid is less viscous and the nerves are operating at a faster speed.
He also suggests putting the most difficult work early in the day when the brain is most responsive, and the brain is better at focusing and writing a ‘to-do’ list two hours before bed time to avoid worrying about tasks the following day. 
Keeping a notebook by the side of the bed will also aid sleep, as ideas can be jotted down quickly before they interfere with sleep.
Taking a shower 10 minutes before bed at a temperature of 40C, also helps sleep as it allows the boy to start cooling before bed, which triggers sleep.
But he said a lunchtime dip in energy was inevitable and probably a biological remnant of evolving near the equator when it was too hot to be active around midday. 
“It’s not only what you do that matters, but when you do it that’s crucial,” he added.
“The time at which you eat also seems to effect medication. And for some drugs the time your take them has substantial effects - it can double effectiveness and improve tolerance by five times. 
“So time you get prescribed something ask what time it’s best to pop your pills.”

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